pussy hats

i was not able to attend any of the women's marches in january.  i thought it was only happening in washington.  i had no idea that it would reach east texas.  my husband and i sat and watched the events unfolding all over the world on tv.  it was touching and powerful.  

i began searching my knitting sources on-line and low and behold, i ran across the pussyhatproject website.  i downloaded the pattern and the next day headed out to my local yarn shop to purchase pink yarn.  i immediately began producing hats.

so far, i have made and given away hats to all of my friends that want them.  now, i am reaching out to the world to offer my pussyhats to anyone who would like one.  

please contact me at frankied@peoplescom.net and i would be more than happy to produce a hat, just for you, providing i still have the yarn.  the hats are produced free of charge.  yes, you heard it, free of charge.